Darkness – MARK


 Ideas generation


Capture darkness mark

For my 1st idea i’d like to create a digital art piece involving around the idea of mental health and the darkness behind the minds of people who suffers mental health. For my outcome i’d like to concentrate on the theme of depression and the emotions and feelings my main face, in this case a child or maybe a teenager who would likely be suffering from depression.

According to suicide.org, a teen takes his or her own life every 100 minutes. Suicide is the third-leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24. Approximately 20 percent of teens experience depression before they reach adulthood, and between 10 to 15 percent suffer from symptoms at any one time. Only 30 percent of depressed teens are being treated for it.Some teens are more at risk for teen depression and suicide than others.

My outcome would  a capture of this expressive and painted look using my inspiration from wlop (Wang ling), a well known digital artist on deviant art.


wlop artwork 

Image result for WLOP digital artistImage result for WLOP digital artist

Wlop (wang ling) is a popular digital artist known on deviant art as well as other platforms. His art style is known for having a very painted look particularly this oil painting feeling. His loose art style gives his paintings emotions and i’m highly inspired by the process in which wlop paints on Photoshop using this idea of light against dark with tones before adding colour. I think that the loose style would really give texture to my work and also create this feeling of a very blurred out memory in which i feel would really intensify the darkness of my antagonist’s past.


2nd idea

Image result for Martina Stipan childhood memoriesImage result for Martina Stipan childhood memories





Martina Stipan is a young graphics designer who creates illustration that reflects back on to her childhood memories and dreams that she had as a child. These illustrations above are examples of her work that are dedicated towards her childhood memories. I think that this would be relevant to my theme because my antagonist would not have had a very good childhood and I want to illustrate these negative memories  in a very dark and sinister way with a huge sense of emotion and strong message that will make the viewer maybe feeling scared or uncomfortable.


Final piece

Crying girl