Decay ideas generation – MARK


Decay ideas generation

mind map






What is the definition of retro?

The apparent definition of retro accordance to the oxford dictionary is that it’s an Imitative of a style or fashion from the recent past, (60’s fashion). Retro is short for retrospective, meaning “looking back”.

In gaming it is known as “Retrogaming”, and it is the playing or collecting of older personal computer, console, and arcade video games in contemporary times. Usually retrogaming is based upon systems that are obsolete or discontinued such as the game boy, and even PlayStation 2.

Main character design concepts. 

I’m aiming for my “main” character to look more semi-realistic but at the same time …..



Official definition of decay accordance to the oxford dictionary:


  1.  (of organic matter) rot or decompose through the action of bacteria and fungi.
‘the body had begun to decay’
  1. The state or process of rotting or decomposition.
‘hardwood is more resistant to decay than softwood’
‘bacterial decay’
Decay as proven is a word dedicated to something that’s either gone bad or going bad (decaying). Anything from objects to living things can decay such as iron from screws to dead bodies like a human.

Words I would personally associate with decay

decay - mindmap

Charters design

1st design process 

Final character 1st design close up
elf kingdom leader


What I need to do next time is that I need to improve my timing. Art wise, it’ll be good if I could dedicate the drawing to fit the theme of decay. Possibilities could be making my background look as if it is decaying or rotting away. Mt drawing wise, would i definitely should try to do better is getting rid of the harsh lines on the outside. I should also try to stop using airbrush tool because the colour of my painting looks faded. I want this to be vibrant and stand out and almost semi-realistic feeling. Over all, I’m not that proud of this final outcome and there’s a lot of areas that I could definitely improve on. To ensure that I improve, I should ask for advice or watch more speed paint tutorials and videos to help me gain more knowledge. I should also try to use a different app with more options to maybe change brush tools and give me more flexibility with my work.


I want my game to be an action-adventure with an open world to explore worlds and lands. Throughout the game, depending on the skills you acquire and missions that you can complete, the character can take many forms from a demon to an angel, to a necromancer or a ninja. Whatever path you chose all depends on the class that you will obtain for your main character. Some of these classes  may be trickier to obtain, as they are only acquired in specific ways. Some of these will be so hidden that only those players with strong analysis and amazing riddle and code solving abilities can solve them. I feel that this can bring  players in the fandom together by interacting with each other to solve riddles and other mysteries to unlock these extremely rare classes.
The main story line for the character will vary depending on the class of your character.This is so the audience could enjoy unlocking and tackling story modes without having repetitive scenes that will make the game play seem boring. The main story line in which everybody who first start to play the game will start with is about a human boy/girl (the players will be able to chose what they want their characters to look like at the beginning through the setup at the beginning of the game. Their characters can also be changed through options in settings). Probably not knowing this as first, the characteristics that the players chooses their characters to look like will also determine later on in the game to what classes their character will become.
What do I mean by classes?
Classes are like races. Within all kingdom there would be different races (classes) living together which would typically be considered to be in the same category such as the magic kingdom. This kingdom will contain different unique classes and characters like maybe a witch, a fairy, a wizard or anything that you would associate with this “magic” theme. Within  these classes the players would also be able to choose their classes and  abilities through missions and quests.
My reasoning for having so many classes is because I want to make this mysterious realm seem more alive. Just like Earth we have many different species of plants and animals living within it, so I wanted to make the world of Gilakon seems like it’s also flooding with life. I also think that having this lively realm full of living creatures would also exaggerate to how much of a huge deal and threat this “evil” source actually is. Another reason is also because people have different tastes. Having this character diversity could bring more interest to players around the world.

Game story-line

Gilakon, a place unknown or written about. Any human that have entered through the gateway of the realm have never lived to tell the tale.

Gilakon existed between time and space. The realm itself was a fast moving spec of blue light that never stops. It travels from planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy in search of new heroes that may one day free its lands from destruction and demise.

5 prominent stones in which shield the world from falling into chaos was entrusted to only the most powerful and loyal of leaders of each classes. They were burdened to protect the stones with their life and in return, the stones gifted their holders more power in which was unique to their abilities. However, the stones were not gifted to all classes.

Within Gilakon lives all together 6 classes.

Galethium – The kingdom of the elves

Agorath – The kingdom of the dragon tamers

Frealia – The kingdom of the seraphs

Ethaydan – The kingdom of magic

Wunn – The kingdom of the martial arts

and finally,

Tharin – The kingdom of the demons.

Jealously, anger, and frustration grew within the kingdom of Tharin in which the realm feared. This jealously and madness nurtured an evil force which threatens to corrode the realm and rot the lands until there’s nothing left but toxic air and death to all life. This fast spreading evil was forced to be sealed away from the world before any further damages were done. The five stone’s purpose were created for this reasoning and together, the five classes formed a bond to ensure that evil will never rise to this realm ever again.

However, this did not last.

Tharin was the first kingdom to ever exist within the realm of Gilakon, but when other kingdom and classes began to rise and build, the kingdom became mad and greedy. “You promise us that this was our world! why did you lie to us?”

Before the existence of Gilakon, the kingdom of Tharin lived in their own world, and their own planet. They’ve formed an alliance with their neighbor planet (Earth), and were very much at peace. However, who they thought were allies turned out to be their biggest fear and enemy. The betrayal of their neighbor planet left the existence of the demon world on its edges of extinction. They’ve lost everything they ever called home, and lost trust of anyone who ever again dared to call them their friends.

Gilakon was a realm created by the galaxies to ensure the safety of  fantasy beings. However the demon kingdom did not see this. They thought that the realm was made only to protect their own species and theirs only. They feared betrayal will attack them again, and this lead them into rage, jealously and pure evil.

The gateway, also commonly known as “Hell” in which sealed away the demon world over time begins to lose its durability. The stones that kept away evil mysteriously loses its powers. One every red moon, the stones begin to lose more and more powers. The kingdom of the demons have been though to have gained an unknown powerful evil source in which the realm and kingdoms feared over centuries. They’re left waiting for when the time will come, and when that time come, they’ll destroy everything in their paths just like what Earth and the humans did to them.