Unit 11

Brief overview 

In this unit I will develop an understanding to the range of educational and career routes within art and design available which relates to the application processes and system. This can be University, jobs and apprenticeships. I should also describe the range of effective presentation and communication skills, providing evidence of this through my personal statement, CV and presentation throughout the course. It is important to understand what I need to do after leaving college, so this course allows me to do an overview of my current planning as well as develop the planning further.

In this Unit we would also need to critique various methods of showcasing my work both on paper and digitally, providing examples of methods. An example is a link to my on-line portfolio or show reels. I should describe how these methods have helped me meet my goals.

at the end of the project, I am expected to make a final outcome which reflects my current abilities and how I can use these abilities to help me progress further into either further education and work.

Choosing a path 

At the end of college I would like to work full time in a job that reflects what I have done in my course. Although I don’t know what yet, I have been doing research in the available jobs relating to my course. I didn’t choose University for the reasons of not actually being interested however in the future, I would love to go to art school which is one of my goals. The issues to why I am not going straight to art school is that the location of the specific school that i want to study is located in Singapore. Money is obviously a huge issue in this, so I do not want to waste time going to University when I could be earning and saving money for the thing I want to experience. I also want to freelance in my spare time and earn some sort of reputation online to help my art flourish in the growing online world. This is mainly to build a platform which I could later on develop. I decided on freelancing because of the people i’m currently inspired by who earns a good amount of money just for promoting themselves online. I know that it’s not a reliable way of earning a consistent amount of money, especially in the beginning however, If I do manage to earn a big enough following, the money will be more consistent.

I still lack research on my choices however, so I’ll be doing all the necessary research which can help me get a better idea for my path for the future and if I am making the right choice.

Art school


FZD school works like an art school as it focusing on a particular subject only. Unlike art schools however which focusing on fine art, sculptures, textiles etc… The FZD school of design focuses only on concept art. This famous school have a reputation for teaching their students the basics as well as the advanced in this area only, teaching you how to build a fantastic portfolio and preparing them for jobs. Of course this does work like any other University course that specialise in this media only, but in FZD you’re coached by the best. In fact, the founder of FZD is Feng Zhu, one of the most famous concept artist in the world and is highly respected for his incredible talent in concept art.

The age to enrol into the FZD is age 18+ and the entire school teaches entirely in English. The course is only a 1 year diploma programme however you can pay for extra years if needed. The school itself is very strict to who they will accept, and to be accepted you need to be assessed by taking an entry test. From https://www.colourcow.com/studying-at-fzd-school/ , A student who have shared their experiences with the school made it clear that to be accepted they will test all your weakest strengths. The school’s assignments can be very difficult, only those who are passionate are accepted. They will also ask for a portfolio before even taking an entry test.

Costs and fees

This school does support international students, and the link below shows all the fees required for the 1 year diploma system as well as the enrolment dates.


Over all, to be able for me to enter this school I would need money and that is why I am planning on getting a job before even thinking about going to this school. The best thing about this school is that as long as you’re 18+ of age, you can go experience their teaching at any age. Which means you can be 30 and still can go to the school. This experience I feel is something I have dreamt for a very long time, and I need all the time in the world to be able to save up money just to come here and study here as well as being able to have my own personal time to practise my art to be able to be accepted in the first place to the school.

Of course there are also art schools in the world that are also good, and cost less. I bet there are even art schools in the UK that does this kind of teaching, but to me that defeats the point of my dream. I want to study under Feng Zhu’s school, he’s one of the people who have inspired me the most to take this path into digital concept art and illustration so being able to study there at his school I think would mean a lot to me, and it would make me feel successful and proud of myself that I worked hard to get there.

Course details

The course itself is a 1 year diploma programme which is divided into 3 terms. Each of these terms runs for 15 weeks with a two week break in between. To be able to graduate, students must attend all these terms. The link below shows all the details about what they teach within the 1 year diploma programme which ranges from the fundamentals such as perspective and design sketching to the more advanced such as actually creating your own production design (3D skills) and environment and composition.


Pros of going to FZD school:

  • Learn from famous professionals 
  • One year diploma
  • very good to put on CV
  • speaks entirely in English

Cons of going to FZD school:

  • Expensive
  • A long way away
  • getting into the school you need to meet certain standards


What is a CV?

CV stands for curriculum vitae and it is a summery which summarises an individual’s skills, character, experience and achievements. CV are used for applying for jobs and this is what the manager would see before an interview. To make a successful Cv, I would need good written communication. A Cv must not be too long yet not too short. It needs to showcase the achievements that I have done as well as show them skills that I have acquired from doing particular things.

My Cv: Jasmine Wongthip CV main

Job applications

I have already signed up to multiple reliable job websites as well as downloading the app such as indeed and constantly looking for updates. I have already applied to multiple part time jobs, but later on I would like to go into full time instead of part time. I am awaiting replies form these jobs. However the full time work, If I could I would like to work in a company that is related to my course. Right now I don’t really mind what part time job I have as long as it helps me to save up money. This is also good for work experience to put onto your CV.

After college I do plan on going straight to work using the qualifications that I have from college. I am not looking for something high paying, but if I can I would definitely get a job that relates to the field that I have been studying and slowly build my way up.

Pros of going straight to work:

  • Get money
  • Can slowly build up reputation
  • No wasting time

Cons of going straight to work:

  • Blocking chances to higher paying jobs
  • Experience out of the drain

Free lancing

In my spare time, I would like to gain a reputation online (a following). To do this, I will sign up to huge art websites such as Deviant art where I can showcase my work to the world. I will also create an Instagram account as well as twitter. I have done a bit of research, and I have found that fan art art usually the most popular. Other apps that I have found is amino. Amino unlike deviant art is a small place however this app have a variety of communities such as the art community or a video game community. This app is great because it is all based on sharing either art or news. This can help to gain a following. Other platforms that I can use to help gain a reputation is twitch. twitch is a very popular streaming platform. I would like to use twitch to stream a speed art. I found that most popular artists are popular for their personalities and they grew most from streaming platforms like twitch and YouTube. When I have gained a decent amount of following, I have planning to start a Patreon. This website/app currently is the best place for artist and fans to communicate and support each other. Since YouTube have restrictions, artists tends to go into Patreon to further have freedom into the content they’re allowed to create. This is also a better platform for gaining support.

Pros of freelancing:

  • Build reputation while earning money
  • requires not to leave home
  • Being your own boss
  • Allows lots of free time to practise

Cons of freelancing:

  • Not reliable (You can go months without commissions)
  • very competitive
  • hard to build up reputation   

My other options?

I already have a road that I want to follow however, to ensure that I am making the right decisions I have researched my other options which I can take after my course. I have researched a little bit about what they are and written pros and cons to properly evaluate the benefits and the negatives of these options.


A University is higher qualification where a person could further advance their knowledge of the desired jobs they want to achieve. Sometimes Universities are a must depending on what you want to do. For example, you cannot be a doctor if you did not achieve a doctors degree In University.

Also depending on the career that you choose, you often find yourself having to be committed to what you want to do as choosing the right course is a huge importance. Some courses can take up to 12 years! So This is why choosing the right path is very important as you’re wasting a lot of time. If you don’t like it, it’s really a huge loss.

Although people often recommend University because of chances of higher paying jobs, getting one is not 100% guaranteed. You could be wasting lots of time studying in University and still end up working in McDonald.

There are definitely Universities that provide the course to the career that I want such as the staffordshire University and the course itself is only 3-4 years. They have connections but after reading the course details on their website:


It does sound very interesting and beneficial however, I still want to keep to the path that I want to choose to begin with. This is because although it sounds interesting, I do not find myself still going to University.

Pros of University:

  • Allows higher qualifications
  • better chance logically of getting a higher paying job
  • Looks good on you CV
  • Connections which some Universities have 

Cons of University:

  • No guarantee of a good job
  • wastes more time 
  • Student loan 
  • A lot harder than college 


An apprenticeship is a program that trains a worker to become skilled in a particular job. Apprenticeships combine hands-on work with classroom learning to train the apprentice. Apprenticeships are considered full-time employment. As the apprentice is learning, they are also applying the lessons through working.

Apprenticeship would logically be the best option considering I want to work full time, earning money while studying however the issue of apprenticeship for me is that finding an apprenticeship that offers what I want to do is almost impossible. Apprenticeship is more appropriate for jobs like constructions or nursing or mechanics. When it comes to the creative media, particularly around Preston it’s probably the worse option you can choose.

Pros of apprenticeship:

  • get payed while being able to work and learn in a working environment
  • If the company likes you, can promise a  job there permanently 
  • Same qualification worth as sitting in a classroom studying

Cons of apprenticeship: 

  • A lot of case study 
  • Tiring because you have to also learn in classes while having to also work
  • Not that much variety 


The different types of portfolio 

What is a portfolio?

Student portfolios are a collection of the student’s work, typically their best work which represents a selection of performances.  This collection can either be represent on paper or online using websites. Portfolios are important, particularly in the creative media as this is what you present to either the job you’re applying for or further education such as University. Your portfolio typically shows your personality and what you can achieve or improve. It is important to have a variety of medias in your portfolio.


online portfolio are used more now than before. There are many websites which a student can design in order to fit their personality as well as using this  to promote themselves. It is harder to get your work out into the world if you do not have a source that allows you to share your work on, therefore social media and the online platform in general have become a very popular source for artists. Other benefits of an online portfolio is that all you need is a link and everything is there for you, organised how you want it to be. With traditional portfolio you will have to carry some sort of book and folder to your interviews. This can be an issue because your work which you’ve spent and dedicated your many hours into can get ruined and damaged. It is not like this for online portfolio. Whatever you put online on your website or social media stays up there, and it will never get damaged or fade away like your work would if your portfolio was to be on paper. Although there are many benefits to an online portfolio, some places do still ask you for a traditional version also. This is because although there are some creativity you can choose when designing your website, it just doesn’t compete with the creative freedom as if you were to make your portfolio on paper.

Places for online portfolio:

  • wix

Image result for what is wix









Wix is a a cloud-based web development platform. Wix allows users to create HTML5 websites and mobile sites through the use of online drag and drop tools. There are 100 free templates available on wix, however with wix premium, users have access to all the templates available on wix. Wix’s prices start at $13 per month (billed annually) for the Combo plan. It’s ad-free, includes hosting, and a domain name for 1 year. Unlimited costs $17 per month and is ideal for larger sites (3000+ monthly visits). Wix VIP at $39 per month adds priority support. Wix is the most used website hosting that includes free functions, wix is also popular because it is known for being easy to use and includes many features and design options even at a free price.


  • Easy to use
  • design options 
  • brilliant drag and drop 
  • features
  • Support services
  • high quality templates
  • Payment is secure


  • Not ideal for large websites
  • Not completely free, therefore less access to much better things
  • cannot customise everything, therefore less access for  creative freedom
  • Not the most SEO friendly platforms
  • No way to export your data in Wix in case you decide to move to another platform


  • WordPress

Related image


Just like wix, wordpress is a free online open source website creation tool. It is known to be a good site for blogging, business, news and music. Just like wix, there are free templates however what I have noticed is that there aren’t as much variety and creativity compared to wix, particularly for the free version. WordPress is really good for blogging as mentioned, but in terms of using it to create a portfolio, I feel that wordpress is not the best. I definitely feel that there are much better places for this exactly.


  • Entirely free to use and host
  • Easy to use and access
  • Creative themes


  • Not many free themes
  • Often delete work
  • Not as well known as others
  • Not the best for creative work, only good for blogging


  • Art station

Image result for Art station logo


Artstation is a creative platform designed for artists and the creative media. Artists can showcase their works in personal profiles that act like portfolios and even find different job opportunities on Artstation. Artstation is very popular, and if I was to use any online portfolio, artstation would probably be the most suited for me and my career path. This is because artstation is the leading creative showcase platform currently.


  • popular
  • Designed for creativity
  • High quality image showcase
  • Can get work through platform
  • free to use


  • Hard to be successful 
  • Have to pay extra for better layouts to your portfolio
  • Have to pay to be featured more often on the front page



  • patreon

Image result for patreon logo


Patreon is popular among YouTube videographers, webcomic artists, writers, podcasters, musicians, adult content creators, and other categories of creators who post regularly online. It allows artists to receive funding directly from their fans, or patrons, on a recurring basis or per work of art. Patreon is most useful when you’ve already gained fans as this is the most efficent way for content creators as well as fans to interact as it allows more freedom. Ptareon is also the most efficent way for fans to directly support their artists as it allows more payment options.

I will definately be using patreon but not as my main website  for my portfolio. It is useful for me to interact with fans better as well also being the most efficent way to earn money when freelancing however it is risky to depend full time work on this website so having multiple portfolio on multiple platforms is a good good idea as back up and to gain more popularity and reputation.


  • More content freedom which you can’t do on other platforms because of restrictions
  • Best way for fans and artist to interact
  • Best way for fans to support their artists without having to rely on ads or popularity
  • Patreon and other similar platforms will take care of chargebacks and declined payments to protect the creator.
  • Community pages on Patreon are cool and allow contributors direct access to the creator to ask questions and give feedback.


  • Need a following first for it to be useful
  • Not the best for portfolio showcase
  • You pay a percentage of your income to Patreon- 5% directly to Patreon, and another 5% or so in processing fees.
  • Risky to entirely depend making a living using the website. 


The portfolio down below is not my work. The purpose is to showcase an example to what traditional portfolio could look like.

Image result for portfolio  sketchbook

traditional porfolios are portfolio done on paper. This usually can be a book that showcases all your best work and development.

Traditional portfolio allows more freedom. It doesn’t rely on monthly subscriptions for better layouts which can become costly over periods of times. The artist has all the power when it comes to making their traditional portfolio as it allows the artist to show their personality and showcase it however they want.

Although the creative freedom is a huge advantage of traditional portfolio, work can get ruined and lost as well as fade away. All the hard work can easily go to waste and it also doesn’t give you that opportunity to promote yourself and gain fans as easily unlike an online portfolio.

I will still be making a traditional portfolio for jobs purposes as well as practise. I grew up loving fine art, so although this isn’t the most efficent way for me to get to where I want to be, I still enjoy having this creative freedom with paint, pen, paper pencil to create whatever you want and make your imagination come to life on paper.


Portfolio presentation 




Overall visually, the presentation looked good however using powerpoint can be taunting and boring. Next time I will definitely used better programmes or a better website to showcase my portfolio like wix where there’s more options in layout as well as it looking more professional. I also feel than it’s more convenient. With powerpoint sometimes you can misclick and you have to go back to find the pages you were on, with wix all you have to do was scroll up and down. with powerpoint the size of each page in general is small. If you want to talk about a specific thing in more detail it’s hard because room must be considered. With wix you have more room to go in detail about your work without having to use multiple pages which again becomes very inconvenient.

Another issue that I had was being able to speak in a more confident tone. I stuttered a lot although I knew exactly what I wanted to say. I’m not very good when it comes to presenting to a crowd so this is definitely something I should improve on.